I finally could see this aircraft(^∀^)
Around half year has gone from when I knew it had changed color, I set registration No, to Flightradar alert and have checked it everyday, I could finally have the chance to take its photos(^^)
Some readers have already known by seeing the title of this post, the aircraft I finally could take is ⇩as below(^∀^)⇩
↑: N403KZ、そうカリッタの新塗装です(^ω^)☆★
↑: N403KZ, YES! the new color of Kalitta air(^ω^)☆★
・なかなか香港に来ないこの機体ː Almost no chance in the past to see this aircraft in Hong Kong
・撮影画像: The photos taken
・最近もう一機: One more new paint these days
■なかなか香港に来ないこの機体ː Almost no chance in the past to see this aircraft in Hong Kong
Honestly speaking, I can say there are many Kalitta's flights in Hong Kong. Once I could see 5 747 flights a day in the past.
So, when this N403KZ with new color launched, I guessed I could it will come to Hong Kong sooner,,,,,
BUT!!!, it have been allocated to the flight to China via Incheon for long time, ※it had come to Hong Kong only 3 times except this day.
※Just from those I could know.
It seems to be allocated again to such flight now, I'm really wondering when it will come to Hong Kong next time(^∀^)
■撮影画像: The photos taken
It being really fine from in the morning on this day, 6th Nov, I could take it quite nice(^^)☆
So I placed many photos today(^∀^)
↑↑↑↑↑↑↑: 現在の滑走路運用では7:15~9:15までしか見られない、貨物機のコロナ"前"のタキシング風景です(^^)
↑↑↑↑↑↑↑: These shots are the pre Covid-19 cargo taxing views which we can see only from 7:15 to 9:15 under current runway operations(^^)↑↑↑↑: フライトレーダー上では、行先は不明でしたが、おそらく仁川行きなのか、突然異常に高い離陸をしたのでびっくりしました(≧ω≦ )☆
↑↑↑↑: The destination of this flight could not be seen on the Flightradar but, should be to Incheon, it suddenly took off really high. I really surprised to this taking off((≧ω≦ )☆
■最近もう一機: One more new paint these days
This N403KZ has been the only one with new paint for quite long time, but I found one more new paint can be seen these days, I want to notice you☆
↑: N782CKです☆おそらく、新塗装になった最初の便が香港でしたが、まだ自分は撮影するチャンスがないので、早く撮影したいと思っています(≧ω≦)
↑: It is N782CK☆I believe its first flight after re-painted was to Hong Kong but I have not yet had the chances to see it, I hope I can see it sooner(≧ω≦)