撮影資料(Spotting Data)

2空港の情報を追加!: I added 2 airport data!



Long time has been gone by from last post, I have added 2 new airport data☆
They have been completed last night(^^)! 

追加した2空港は: The added 2 airports are
・フランクフルト(FRA): Frankfurt Airport(FRA)
・テューペロ(TUP): Tupelo Regional Airport 
I have left Teupelo as “under-construction” for long time but I updated the contexts a lot and completed it☆

I have already checked all but there may be some minor amendments if any, anyway I hope if you enjoy them(^^)  

テューペロ地域空港: Tupelo Regional Airport@テューペロは飛行機撮影を始めて、まだ1年も経っていませんでしたが、初めての海外遠征でした。いつか訪問した時のレポートを書こうかなって思いました☆
@Even one year had not been gone by from when I had started airliner spottings but it was my first visit to overseas airport. Now I'm thinking about posting the reports of my visit to see ANA 747s in the furure☆  

フランクフルト空港: Frankfurt Airport↑: フランクフルトには鉄道撮影のポイントも追加しました(笑)
↑: I added one train spotting point amang Frankfurt spotting points(^∀^)



-撮影資料(Spotting Data)
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