撮影資料(Spotting Data)

(滑走路・天気記録&フライトレーダー)2021年9月分追加★:(Runway・Weather Record & Flightradar)2021 September has been added★




Now September 2021 has ended, same as every month, I placed the records of runway operations and weather 2021 September☆  
You can see from below URL or from data page

I'd like to post 5 Flightradar memos and an extra this month☆
①Azman AirのA346: A346 of Azman Air
↑↑:  以前もフライトレーダーのコーナーでご紹介しました、Azman AirのA346ですが、以前は機体の画像がありませんでしたが、ようやく出てきたようです☆こんな色だったんですね(^∀^)
↑↑: I have onece introduced about A346 of Azman Air at Flightradar memo part, there were no aircraft photos but this time I could see. Now I know its their color(^∀^)★

↑↑: 最近こちらの便を見かけるようになりました。Air Atlanta Icelandicの便ですが、旅客型です。アンカレッジ⇒仁川⇒ハノイで元旅客型で運用しているようです。元旅客型がまだまだ現役のようで安心しました(^^)香港の方にも使ってくれるととっても嬉しいのですが(^^)オマチシテイマス★
↑↑: I have seen these flights several times these days. They seem to be Air Atlanta Icelandic flights. Coming from Anchorage ⇒ Incheon ⇒ Hanoi ⇒ Incheon ⇒ Anchorage. And they seem to be oeprated with some preighter 744s. I got really released to see they are still active and am really happy if some of them will come to Hong Kong in the future(^^)I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO SEE YOU★   

③ルフトハンザの744: 744 of Lufthansa
↑: ルフトハンザの744が復帰するとのニュースが出てから久しいですが、最近廈門に飛んできているのを見かけました。きっと整備ですね(^∀^)
↑: Long time has gone by from when Luthansa announced they would re-active their 744s, I found one of them came to Xiamen. I believe it should be for maintenance(^∀^) 

↑↑: これはきっと、何かの間違いですね(^∀^)
↑↑: I believe this should be a kind of mistake(^∀^)

↑↑: 以前もご紹介したLongtailのVQ-BZVですが、しばらくは大西洋線に入っていましたが、最近は太平洋線に入ってきました。最近よく見かけるのがこちらで、アンカレッジからバンコク⇒ホーチミン⇒仁川⇒アンカレッジという運用をよく見るようになりました。外見が旅客型で、と-------っても撮りたいと思っている機体なのですが、近くに来ているようなので、近いうち香港にも来てほしいと非常に願っております(><)
↑↑: I have posted about this ship, VQ-BZV, sometimes in the past, one of 744s of Longtail. I remember it had been allocated over Atlantic flights for long time but I could see it came to Pacific side these days. It came from Anchorage ⇒ Bangkok ⇒ Ho Chi Min ⇒ Incheon ⇒ Anchorage. It being seen as passanger type, I have wanted to see it for long time. Now it coming near Hong Kong, I really hope to it come to Hong Kong in the near future(><) 

オマケ: Extra
The Extra of this month is about buses in Hong Kong, what I want to show is not their bodies but the inside,,,,
↑↑: 内部の情報コーナーが進化していることに気づきました☆
↑↑: I found the information displays have much evolved★
In the past they showed only next stops and expected time but they started to inform us the other lines we can take at next stop and the expected waiting time to them!! This case, we can change to A11 and A12 at next stop, Statue Square .And the expected waiting time is 23 minites for A11, 8 minutes for A12(^∀^)  

↑: ちょっとぶれていてスイマセン(^∀^;)こちらは、他の車種ですが、最近2階席へ上る階段に、2階席の空席数の案内が設置されるバスを見かけるようになりました。
↑: Sorry for the blured shot(^∀^;) This is of other type cars but I can see this kinf of information these days, the number of vacant seats on upper deck. They seem to be attaching this information units to each cars.


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