撮影資料(Spotting Data)

空港周辺や撮影ポイントの様子(2021年10月)The conditions and changes around the airport and spotting points (in October 2021)



I'd like to report the current status and changes of each spotting points and around the airport as of Oct 2021.

①車寄せ(北)からの風景: The view from carriage porch (North)
②MTRビルポイントの様子: MTR building point
③空港およびAsia World-Expo周辺: Around Airport and Asia World-Expo
⑤觀景山: Scenic Hill
⑥沙螺灣の天文台へ行く道路: The road to Sha Lo Wan point

①車寄せ(北)からの風景: The view from carriage porch (North)ポイントの紹介ページ: The page of this point
A new building has been built on the left side of spotting view(><).
特徴のある山バックのあたりはまだ大丈夫ですが、これまで撮れていた後半の数カットが撮れなくなった感じです。元々真横カットなどは撮れなかったので、真横にこだわる方は、MTRかAsia World-Expoになるかと思います(ただし背景は空のみ)。
We still can take some photos with Hong Kong recognizable mountain back but that new building spoils latter half of our shots. We could not take right beside shots here from long time ago, if you want to take some, you need to go to MTR building point or Asia World-Expo.(But only sky back)
↑: 山が背景のこの構図はOKです★
↑: We CAN still take this mountain back shots☆
↑: 山バックの後のこの辺りのカットはもう無理です(><;)
↑: We CANNOT take these shots after mountain back any longer(><;) 
And some large cranes can be seen, when they are moving they may spoil our shots sometimes. 

↑↑: 例の建物を下から撮影
↑↑: Seeing that building from the ground.↑: というか、この階段大丈夫(^∀^;)???
↑: Anyway,,, these stairs seem to have been attached this place,,,,,is okay(^∀^;)???

②MTRビルポイントの様子: MTR building pointポイントの紹介ページ: The page of this point
Construction works are progressing day by day, spotting conditions may depend on them.
(Attentions)Most of runway operations in daytime these days are 07R/25L and I need to stay office at weekdays, so I do not have chances to come to this point in daytime on weekdays, sorry in advance if there are some incorrect information.   

・MTR門の近く: Near the MTR gate
(工事が始まる前はこの辺りで撮影していました: I used to take photos there before works started)↑↑: 空港に近いあたりだと高度が下がってくると、フェンスが気になるので、セキュリティ等厳しくなければ、高度がまだ高い工事の門やトイレの付近がいいかと思います。前はトイレの側にも機器があって道路にいるしかありませんでしたが、今は撮影するスペースがあるので、前よりは滞在はしやすいかもしれません。
↑↑: (Of course planes reduce their attitude) Considering the fences are showed on the photos, it must be better to be away from airport as much as possible. If the securities conditions are not sever and if we can reach to MTR gate (and toilet), it should be better to take airliner photos there. There used to be some machines next to the toilet and I needed to stay on the road then but now not, we may stay at the space next to the toilet.   

↑↑: なお、現在門付近から着陸機を見た場合、大きな工事用車両やクレーンがあります。当然に日や時間帯では向きや位置が違うと思うので、様子を見ながら立ち位置を決めることになると思います。
↑↑:However now there are large construction machines can be seen when we see airplanes from MTR gate and toilet, they may placed different places according to the works, we may need to find better spotting place.  

And they may not see our side but anyway, there is a securities cabin behind the fences, and there may be someone at the construction gate beside MTR gate. I have never been alerted by anyone in the past there, but we should keep being careful for them. 
★The security cabin is beside yellow crane★

・空港側: Near the airport 
This views is from the place near the airport.
↑: この辺りが一番撮影されているスポッターも多いと思います。セキュリティ等に注意された場合、この辺りまで撤退することになるのかなと思いまう。昔あった木が完全に切られたので、撮影しやすくなりましたが、頑張っても真横あたりまでです。
↑: I found some spotters taking photos around here. We should stay here when we are alerted at MTR gate. There used to be some trees behind the fences but now non. Thanks to no trees, we can now enjoy spotting here better than in the past, however due to the building on the left side, we can take photos until right besides shots. 

③空港およびAsia World-Expo周辺: Around Airport and Asia World-Expo
まずは、Asia World-Expoの撮影ポイント様子を。
ポイントの紹介ページ: The page of this point
The  first is the current status of spotting point.
↑↑: こちらは特に変化なしです☆
↑↑: There are no particular changes☆
I took these photos in the morning on Sunday. I found some securities guards caring me when I took photos around at the night. There may be sometimes when they may alert us, please be careful of them.  
・元Asia World-Expoの駐車場: Previous Asia World-Expo parking.
Asia Woeld-Expoの駐車場は、隔離施設になっています。
There are some quarantine facilities constructed on the parking of Asia World-Expo.   
↑: 『北大嶼山医院香港感染控制中心』と書いています。おそらくセキュリティが敏感なのも、このせいだと思います。
↑: The name of these facilities, 『NORTH LANTAU HOSPITAL HONG KONG INFECTION COTROL CENTRE』is on the wall. This must be the reason why the securities around here are sever.
↑: 隔離中の方の友人の応援か、中のパジャマ姿の人と外の人が電話で話をしていました。
↑: It should be a kind of cheering, I could see a guy talking with the another guy with pajamas in that facility.   

・周辺の商業施設: Shopping centers around
以前こちらの投稿で少しお話ししましたが、Asia World-Expo周辺には商業施設らしき建物が工事中ですが、外壁が形になってきたので、商業施設であることが確定しました。
As I describes a little on this post, I said some sopping center may be under construction. Thanks to the attached walls, now I can say those buildings must be shopping centers. 
↑↑: 『K11 SKIES』とありますが、『K11』は香港で、有名な商業施設です。
↑↑: The name 『K11 Skies』 is on the wall. 『K11』is one of the famous brands of shopping center in Hong Kong
↑: 前回の記事でご紹介していた、737も塗装がされていました。エンジンもついているようですね!
↑: This is the 737 which I introduced on previous post. There seem to be engines attached!!
↑: 機材は737-300ですね!!
↑: Aircraft type is 737-300!!

⑤觀景山: Scenic Hill
ポイントの紹介ページ: The page of this point
The conditions of Scenic Hill have got better☆↑: 登山道もコンクリートで整備されて歩きやすくなりましたし、明かりもついたので、暗くなっても大丈夫だと思います☆
↑: There were some maintenance on the paths with concreates and lights. We can stay there after it get dark☆   
↑: 撮影ポイント周辺も定期的に木々が切られているのか、すっきりした感じがあります。
↑: The trees around spotting point seem to be cut regularly, we can enjoy seeing airport without any obstacles.
↑↑: 觀景山にある空港の地図は、手前のボタンを押したら明かりがつくハイテクなものになっていました!
↑↑: The airport map replaces new high-tech one! The lights will be on when we push the button our side.  

⑥沙螺灣の天文台へ行く道路: The road to Sha Lo Wan Wind Profiler point
ポイントの紹介ページ: The page of this point
There have been no changes but I'd like to report that no changes. There sill are barricades on the read to go to Sha Lo Wan Wind Profiler Point. After this season we can enjoy nice views with setting sunlight from there, I hope government solve the problem asap.   

Then, I can see some photos at some phots posting site, which seem to be taken at Wind Profiler point, thee may be some detours or ways by using sea taxes, I'd like to try to know when I have time.

A new ship seems to have joined to ferry company★ 
↑↑↑: 中のシートもしっかりしていて、この船が来たら非常に快適です★
↑↑↑: The seats inside are quite nice, we can enjoy comfortable time when it come★


-撮影資料(Spotting Data)
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