飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

【きれいに撮れた!】(速報)早速撮れたカーゴルクスのレトロカラー(7月24日編): 【Taken very nicely!】(Breaking News!)Cargolux retro livery (24th July)



前回の記事からまたまたしばらく間が開いてしまい、申し訳ございませんm(_ _)m
Sorry again for placing long time from last post again. m(_ _)m
For some reason? I could not post articles to both airplane blog and Hong Kong blog(;;)
I really appreciate with the readers who sent me massages. m(_ _)m 

Anyway then today's post is so exciting that you must get your nose bleed.
Please bring a box of tissue papers. 

Many people have already known the news that Cargolux launched retro color 747-400F, LX-NCL, which was released on 14th July.
Below is the press release from them.

HP: https://www.cargolux.com/media-room/media-releases/media-releases/Cargolux-welcomes-retro-branded-aircraft
PDF: 20200714_LX-NCL

Fortunately, LX-NCL came to Hong Kong twice (24th and 26th July) during this 4 days holiday (Japanese calendar base), I went to take it.
I could take it so nicely on both days, I'd like to show you today. I believe your nose must get bleed.
Have you brought tissue papers?   

I'd like to post the photos taken on 24th July.
★★I set all photos for large viewing. You can click them for large★★

Then, let's to see them.
(I forgot how to place long story before)

↑: 最近ずっと25運用が続いていましたが、7月24日朝は07運用でした。朝8時前にホーチミンから到着で、山ポイントからの撮影です。強い朝日がきれいに海にあたって、非常にきれいに撮れました。個人的に、こんなにきれいに海が光っているのを撮影したのは初めてです。
↑: Airport had operated 25 for long time these days but they operated 07 in the morning on 24th July. LX-NCL came from Ho Chi Minh and arrived just before 8:00AM. I saw it from mountain point and could see my first time to see this very mice view that strong morning sunlight reflecting on the sea!!!   

To tell the truth, I had been concerning about the runway changes (during 1 hour mountain climbing) badly because the weather forecast said southwesterly wind (25 operation) on that day.
I left home at 5:00AM, Flightradar said then the expected arriving time was 7:52AM but when I reached the entrance of the mountain trail, it said 7:32AM, so I rushed to the point with heavy bag, I brought 200-500 in case for 25 operation to take from Scenic Hill. I got really exhausted before starting to take photos.         

↑: 山ポイントからこんなに綺麗な写真が撮れたのは初めてです☆★
↑:  It really was my first time to take these beautiful shots at mountain point☆★ 

↑↑: この辺りまではきれいに日が当たっていました
↑↑: The sunlight hit the body nicely on the first half of the landing.

↑: 後半は雲が当たって真っ暗でした。実は雲の動きにビクビクしていました。
↑: Clouds hided the sun on the latter half of the landing, I was worried about the clouds badly then.

As for the departure, runway operation changed to 25 from 8:45AM according to the weather forecast, I could take the departure as my favorite 25L departure☆ 

↑↑↑↑↑: 午前中の離陸でしたので、山ポイントから順光できれいに撮れました☆
↑↑↑↑↑: Thanks to the departure in the morning, I could take it with the following sunlight from mountain point☆

7月24日はLX-NCLの07Rの着陸と25L の離陸を山ポイントから撮影できましたが、7月26日は觀景山から25Lの着陸と普段撮らない25Lエンド南側からの撮影でした。こちらもきれいに撮影できました。近々記事で出しますので、もう少々お待ちください★
As on this post, I could take LX-NCL from mountain point on 24th July. In turn, I could take its 25L landing from Scenic Hill and the 25L departure from south end of 25L where I rarely visited. I also could take very nicely, I will post about them sooner, please wait a second of it★


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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