飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

連休中に撮れたB6(2種): the B6s which I could take during holidays (2 types)



Continuing from the last post, those of taken during Japan holidays.
I need to go to office on weekdays, some aircrafts which come to Hong Kong regularly only on weekdays must be rare aircrafts for me(><;). 

Anyway then I'd like to show you the 2 types of B6 which I could see during holidays.

The first is below one☆

↑↑: 以前B5が来ていると記事にもしました、ロイヤルフライトのB6です☆もしかしたら週末に来たことも1回くらいはあるかもしれませんが、ようやく撮影ができました。なお、B6の場合は夜に離陸が多いです。記事を書いている7月29日はB5もB6も来ていたので、1日に両方見られる日もあるみたいです。
↑↑: This is B6 of Royal Flight, which I posted about their B5 in the past☆ They might have come to Hong Kong on weekends one or twice before, anyway, this was my first time to see one of them in Hong Kong. I have seen their departures on Flightradar at night several times before, I beleive most of their B6 departures should be at night. And I could see both their B5 and B6 came to Hong Kong on 29th July, we may see both of them on the same day. 
↑↑: 以前にも書きましたが通り、ロイヤルフライトはプーケットに行けば撮れるので、B5,B6,B7も全部撮影済みですが、やはり香港に来たという記録が大事なので、背景が空だけになるワールドエキスポよりは、背景のあるターミナルで撮影したくなります☆B7も来ているようですが、まだタイミングが合わず香港では未撮影なので、いつか撮りたいものです☆
↑↑: As I posted before, I could see B5, B6 and B7 of Royal Flight at Phuket. Of course, I already have taken them. I want to take them in Hong Kong as the records that they have come to Hong Kong so I take them from the ternminal not from Asia World Exspo where the back of the photos are only the sky☆ Their B7s seem to have come to Hong Kong several time, I want to take them in Hong Kong☆ 

The second one is below one★

↑↑: ATIのB6です☆
↑↑: B6 of ATI☆
To tell the truth, they come to Hong Kong on weekend regularly these days. The arrival time is at Saturday night and departure time is around 14:00PM on Sunday.
The reason I managed to take them on holidays and post about it is....  

↑↑: B6って、どこのエアラインもそうですが、離陸が高いんですよね(^^;)今まで3回くらい見ましたが、全部高くて背景なし。香港に来たという記録にならない。最近25運用が多いので、山ポイントに行けばいいのですが、14時過ぎだと、逆光だし、疲れるし(^^;)
↑↑: It should be applicable for other airlines, B6s take off very high(^^;) I have seen their departure 3 times but all of them took off so high, the back was only the sky. Taken photos cannot be the records that they came to Hong Kong. Airport has operated 25 these days, I have one choice to take them from mountain point but the photos take from mountain point at and after 14:00PM should be back to the light and going to mountain is very hard for me on such hot days(^^;)   

↑↑: というわけで、連休中に到着を撮影してきました☆
↑↑: That was the reason I managed to take B6 of ATI on Japan holiday☆



-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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