飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

(一部更新)香港で時々見かけるVP-BHD: (Updated)The VP-BHD, which can be seen sometimes at HKIA



4月11日に一部更新しましたm(_ _)m ※画像の追加と順番等
I updated some parts on 11th April.m(_ _)m※Some photos added and corrected the photos orders. 
During I was spotting last time, I saw a certain aircraft was moving as below.

It was towed from maintenance area to the spot beside maintenance area, where cargos can be handled.

It is just from my experiences but I had seen some aircrafts departed around 2 hours after such kind of moves☆

So I decided to try to wait for its departure because, if it would actually depart 2 hours later, I just needed to wait only one hour after the last target on that day.

As I expected!!, (Otherwise I do not place today's post!) actually after around 2 hours, it was towed out from the spot and started its engines.  
It reached to runway without any towing cars☆
I got sure that it would do depart then(^∀^)

Anyway then, the registration No. of this aircraft is VP-BHD, and its aircraft type is A330-243ACJ. I'm not sure but I guess HAECO may do maintenance of it, I did see its tail beside HAECO factories many times in the past, and I could take its departure in the past once. It should be almost a kind of regular member of maintenance team★ (←What!?) 

I tried to find  information about this VP-BHD in the Internet. I found,,
    Its serial No. should be 1751 and its delivery was in Sep 2016. 
    I could find some photos of this aircraft with this paint dated on just after its delivery.
2016年11月にSaudi Basic Industriesに登録(複数サイト)
   It was registered under Saudi Basic Industries in Nov 2016 (at some sites)                                                         
2019年2月にJet Aviationに移動しているが、2020年10月から駐機状態??
   It moved to Jet Aviation in Feb 2019 but seems to be stored from Oct 2020??
⇒But I could take today's photos. It should actually be active now? 

Jet AviationのHPにも行ってみましたが、このVP-BHDの画像や記載はは見つけられませんでした(^∀^;)
Jet AviationのHP
I tried to visit Jet Aviation HP but I could not find any photos or descriptions about VP-BHD(^∀^;)
The HP of Jet Aviation


Anyway I meant, this aircraft can be seen often but can't know the details of it(^∀^;) 

The last shots are taken in Sep 2016.
Same as this time, the weather was bad but the angles are better thanks to 25 operation(^∀^) ?

Every time I take it, the weather quit bad (After rain),,,,, I hope I could take it again under better conditions(^^;)     


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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