香港デモ(Demonstrations in Hong Kong)

現在空港に入れません(2)We cannot enter Airport(2)



As I posted last time that we cannot enter the terminal from AirportExpress as on 20th August. Today I'd like to inform those from outside of terminals.

I walked around the terminals. I found they severely closed or placed check points to all entrances. Nobody can enter without air tickets. Almost all small gates for stuffs were closed or open with some guards and large gate for all people were placed checking points. There were crowded with the people who were waiting for their families and so on. I saw some hotel shuttles stuff waiting for their guests.
↑: 到着階から外へ出る連絡通路入り口の様子。ここが一番混んでいました。
↑: The enstrance of arrival hall to conneting aisle to outside. This gate was the most crowded.
↑: 第2ターミナルからバスターミナル方向への出入り口ですが、こちらも待ち人で混雑していました。
↑: The entrance to the bus terminal from T2. Here was also crowded.
↑: 第1ターミナルの地上階(3F)からの出入り口です。こちらはあまり混んでなかったです。
↑:  The entrance on the ground floor (3F). Here was not so crowded.
↑: 第2ターミナルと駐車場やバスターミナルの隙間にある小さな入り口にもちゃんとチェックポイントがついていました。
↑: The small entrance on T2 to parkings and bus terminal, there also was a checking point.


-香港デモ(Demonstrations in Hong Kong)
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