飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

帰ってきたKLMの747(>∀<)!!: Welcome back KLM 747(>∀<)!!!



When it comes to passanger 747-400s of KLM, many people many have alreadly known it, they had done their last flights on 29th March this year (2020). However they have come back for transferring medical products againt coronavirus from April. PH-BFT and PH-BFV have been allocated to these flights between Amsterdam and Beijin or Inceon.  

I sometimes set my flightradar on 747, I have been enviously seeing them with hoping they would come to Hong Kong.

BUT!!! Fortunately they actually came to Hong Kong on last weekend (27th and 28th June).
The angles I try was the first time I took with them because the last time they had come to Hong Kong was long time before SkyDeck was closed and bofore airport started doing against coronavirus. The weather was so nice that I went to airport to take them(>∀<)
Especially on 28th June, I could nice shots(>ω<)☆

Then, I'd like to show you those taken on 27th June☆
↑↑↑: 土曜日は10時までは海側運用なので、第一ターミナルの車寄せ(北)からの撮影です☆
↑↑↑: Airport operated seaside runway so I took it from carriage porch (North) on Terminal 1☆
↑↑: 上がりはHAECOで狙いましたが、上がりが高すぎでボツです(^^;)
↑↑: I took the departure from HAECO point but they took off so high(^^;)
It ended as taking record photos but I have already taken them from HAECO point, that's OK.

Then, please see those better taken on 28th June☆↑: 今は日曜日は10時までは山側の運用なので、觀景山に向いました(^^)
↑: On current oeprations, airport operate with mountain side runway until 10:00AM on Sunday so I visited Scenic Hill(^^)
KLM landed before 9:00AM but I had arrived there before 6:00AM but it rained and clouds sometimes hid the sun badly but finally got nice(^^)↑: これを撮りたかった(>∀<)KLMの747でこれが撮れるとは思っていなかったので、大興奮です(>ω<)☆
↑: I had really wanted to take it(>∀<)I got really excited because I have already given up to take it with KLM 747(>ω<)☆
↑↑: 同じく、こちらの2ショットも大興奮(>ω<)
↑↑: I got excited with these 2 shots as well(>ω<)
↑: 着陸後にはこんなショットも!貨物運用なので、昔なら絶対に来なかった貨物エリアに旅客型の747が入ってくる絵です(^∀^)☆しかも、他のBCFの747とセット☆ちなみに、右の白いもう一機はAerotrans CargoのER-BAMです☆
↑: I could see this scene after its landing!!This time it came as a cargo flight, so I could see this passanger 747 entering cargo area, which must have been impossible to be seen in the past(^∀^)In addition to it with other 747BCF☆The white 747BCF spotting rightside is ER-BAM of Aerotrans Cargo☆

According to the infomation from a reliable reader of this blog, they will come until Sep. I decide to  take and record them not to left any regrets(><)!!!
Dear Mr.J! I really appreciate your information every time(>ω<)!!!


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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