飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

UPSの747-8、13機目捕獲!: I could catch 13th 747-8 of UPS!



ご迷惑をおかけし、申し訳ございませんm(_ _)m

There are some large amendments to the comtexts after posting this article. (The parts were amended with red) So the title and comtexts are partially not matched.
Sorry for your incomveniences.m(_ _)m
Please refer to the article⇒To the article

I went to aiport to catch the newest and 13th 747-8 of UPS, N617UP last Saturday.
↑: アンコリが撮れたので(^^)
↑: I could catch ACL(^^)
↑: 撮影場所は先日の記事のMTRビルの裏。真横が撮り辛いのが難点(笑)。あと、最近の香港は快晴が多いですが、ガスがすごいです(多分雨が降って、洗い流してくれないから)。ちなみに、この日も快晴でした。折角西陽が正面から当たっているのに、よく判らない(-ω-)
↑: The point I took these shots was behind MTR building as on previous post. I feel sorry because it is difficut to take right beside shots here. And it has been clear fine in Hond Kong these day but it also has been with tooooo strong gas (maybe it is due to no rains wash away the gas..). It was clear fine on Saturday as well. I could have taken nice shots with the sun light from setting sun but strong gas totally spoiled, I cannnot recoginze the sun light(-ω-;)

747-8s of UPS are 13 now, from N605UP to this N617UP. I remember I saw a news saying UPS had ordered additional 14 787-8s and they will be active the number reached 28 and they will be active by 2022. So there is only one left (the next number should be N618UP). I, of course, have alrealy caught all 13 UPS 747-8 because every time I find new number I rush to catch it☆
I want to past an article with all 14 28 photos when I catch 14th 28th 747-8(^∀^) ←I do will do 

Anyway thanks to there being many UPS flights in Hong Hong, it is easy to catch their 747(^^)I could see N607UP and N616UP on Saturday as well as N617UP☆

Then, N616UP has a special mark so I will post an article of it next time(^^)


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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